Princelet Street House
Spitalfields, London (UK)

Turning a Victorian terrace in Spitalfields into a bespoke and personal family home
The client approached us to make amendments to the refurbished terrace they recently acquired to make it fit their personal taste and lifestyle. On the ground floor a new welcoming entrance space was designed featuring inbuilt wardrobes and a floating marble bench that provides a comfortable place to sit and take off shoes or hang coats. We also created a built-in dining room bench which helped to re-balance the dining space at the back of the house, making it feel more spacious and less formal. 

On the second floor we placed a volume containing a richly decorated shower room and a separate toilet space at the centre of the floor, separating the space into two zones: a bedroom and dressing room. The walls were painted in strong colours. Built-in wardrobes finished in a luxurious green colour and oak handles added character and personality to the rooms.

In the remodel of the master bathroom, we faced the challenge of a low and difficult space. To create a spacious feeling, we designed the bathroom elements to be as low as possible, in proportion to the window. The result was an inviting and comfortable space that felt larger than its actual size.
We added a heated marble bench seat and a shower that can be accessed behind a freestanding marble wall, which created a sense of bespoke quality and understated comfort. A sophisticated lighting system created a series of different atmospheres for the room.

Location: Spitalfields, London (UK)
Year: 2017-18
Client: Private 
Collaborators: paolo.interiors natural stone
Team: Andreas Lechthaler, Sebastian Koepf
Image credits: ALA/Klaud